In his book To Bless the Space Between Us, author John O'Donohue writes in the introduction,
"It would be infinitely lonely to live in a world without blessing. The word blessing evokes a sense of warmth and protection; it suggests that no life is alone or unreachable. Each life is clothed in raiment of spirit that secretly links it to everything else. Though suffering and chaos befall us, they can never quench that inner light of providence."
When we make the decision to begin again as one impacted by a chronic condition, this act of blessing seems a critical piece of our support system in making that daily and, sometimes moment to moment, choice for a new beginning. Recently, AWBA began posting a brief quote, an image, and a blessing on its Facebook page every Friday morning. The instant response indicated by likes, shares and new followers told us there are some seeking a sense of blessing. If a "Friday Blessing" would support your journey, visit our Facebook page and follow us for this weekly blessing if you are not already doing so. You can also access our page by clicking the Facebook icon on our website at If you have a favorite quote and/or photo you have taken that you would like us to consider in the future, email it to